What is Liturgy?
Liturgy is a quarterly print and online resource of The Liturgical Conference. Liturgy seeks to provide an ecumenical forum for articulating standards of liturgical excellence and for supporting persons who have a common interest and concern for the liturgical life and the liturgical arts of the church. Each issue focuses on a single theme. Articles are written and materials are assembled by noted liturgical scholars, parish pastors, denominational worship leaders, musicians, artists, and architects. Recent issues of Liturgy include an issue focused on Christian initiation (31.2) worship for the "spiritual but not religious" (volume 30.3), and liturgy in a digital age (30.2).
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Melinda Quivik, Editor-in-Chief, Liturgy
Melinda Quivik, Editor-in-Chief, Liturgy
2017 Subscription Rates
Individual one-year print only or print/online subscription: US $86
Institutional print and online subscription: US $158
online-only subscription: US $138
Members of the Americans for the Arts can receive individual print and online subscriptions for special society member rate of $63.